Delete your GMAIL account and all its services permanently.

The Gmail email account provides us with many services, from navigation maps to monetization and backup of your photos. However, sometimes we have several accounts that it is preferable to delete since we can spend time without using it. Deleting the Gmail account and all its services can permanently delete all information and leave no trace. We must take into account that the deletion will erase all our data such as; passwords, photos, history, Gmail account, YouTube, Maps, AdSense . Therefore, it is advisable to download all the information first.

Índice de Contenido
  1. How do I download all my data from my Gmail account before deleting it?
  2. Download stored passwords
  3. Definitively delete our GMAIL account and all its services
    1. Video tutorial on removal and all its steps:

How do I download all my data from my Gmail account before deleting it?

If you want to download ALL your information that your Gmail account has, you must first know that it is possible and here we are going to tell you how to download everything. First of all, you should know that to carry out the entire account deletion procedure it will take 15 to 30 days after manual deletion .

  1. To download all your data, first access Google takout, in this section we can generate a backup of the data that we want to download.
  2. Now we put our password of our Gmail account to be able to access.
  3. We select all the services from which we want to save the data and we will click next.
  4. Now we select where we want the backup to be sent, we can choose between the mail itself, One drive, Dropbox, Google drive and One drive.
  5. Then, we select the period, in my case I will leave it as is.
  6. Then it will appear in what format and size we want to download the backup, that is, if we have a lot of information we can download several links. If the data weighs more than 2 GB then it will create parts of 2 files, but if we want in a single file we put it up to 50 GB .
  7. Finally, we will click on create export .
  8. This process can take up to 2 days before being able to download, so we must wait for that period of time.
  9. We will receive an email that we can now download our data (in my case I only put a service so that the export would be very fast).
  10. We will download exported files, and the download will begin with the format we choose and the size of the weight.
  11. Now we have a compressed .zip file inside which all our information will be organized by folders. We recommend that you keep your data very well.
  12. In order to open it, we recommend using WinRAR to unzip all the information.

Once all the information has been downloaded, remember that you have a short period of 7 days to download your backup. Now we must be aware that before deleting our Gmail account. We must have another account where we pass the property permissions such as; YouTube, play console, admob, adsense etc. (in case you have these services). BEFORE DELETING IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU DO THIS AND MAKE SURE THAT THE OTHER MAIL ALREADY MANAGES THOSE SERVICES. AFTER THE OTHER EMAIL HAS THE PROPERTIES, REMOVE THE ADMINISTRATOR OF THE ACCOUNT YOU ARE GOING TO DELETE.

Download stored passwords

To download the passwords before deleting the account, we first access google passwords. And then we will be able to see the sites that we have the passwords saved. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT BEFORE DELETING THE MAIL YOU CHANGE YOUR ACCESS MAIL LIKE; FACEBOOK, SAT, TWITTER, INSTAGRAM. PLEASE CHECK ALL THE SITES IN WHICH YOU ACCESS WITH THE MAIL AND, IF POSSIBLE, CHANGE IT. 

Within Google passwords, we go to options, and we will see the "EXPORT" option, this will download a .csv file . So inside we will have our site passwords. So we also recommend keeping it very well since it is sensitive information.

Now in the new Gmail account if we want we can import the password file, but with the import options . We select the downloaded file and ready we have already imported our passwords.

Definitively delete our GMAIL account and all its services

If after making and saving all the data of our account to be deleted, now we can delete our Gmail, you must be aware that you have up to 15 days maximum to re-enable it before it is permanently deleted. To delete our Gmail account, follow these steps:

  1. Enter your Gmail account> Data and privacy> More options> Delete your google account and all its data.
  2. Now we enter our password.
  3. In case we have not generated a backup copy, we can generate it before deleting.
  4. It will give us the warnings about removal, so we recommend you to read it very well.
  5. We checked all the boxes being aware that the account will be deleted.
  6. Finally, we will click on delete account .
  7. Upon completion, it will close the account from all our linked devices and begin the account deletion.

Important: we have up to 15 days to access the account again before it is permanently deleted. If you regret it, you can log back in normally and it will probably ask you to change your password and all the information will be available. After that period THE INFORMATION CANNOT BE ACCESSED OR RECOVERED.

WE ALSO RECOMMEND YOU TO READ: This is how you can create a backup of your website with WordPress (Opens in a new browser tab)

Video tutorial on removal and all its steps:

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