Clickworker Make Money From Home With MiniWork


🤖 Clickworker Make Money From Home With MiniWork

People have always looked for a way to take advantage of their time and now more than ever there are multiple opportunities on the web to start making money from the comfort of your home there are many platforms and now I come to talk about one of them that gives you money by : translation of texts, transcriptions, categorizing photographs, listening and valuing music , conducting surveys, etc.

Anyone can register and start generating from the first moment, without cheating or cardboard. To do this, the only requirement is to feel like working and some free time.

Índice de Contenido
  1. 💼 ¿What is Clickworker?
    1. ✓ ¿How do I register?
    2. ≫ Properly Fill Out My Profile
    3. ◁ ¿How to make money with clickworker?
    4. ✅ Text
    5. 🔥 Categorize web site data
    6. ✔ Text Editor
    7. ✌️ Test Corrector
    8. ⚡ Data Logger
    9. 🚀 Traduce
    10. → Surveys
    11. ⇨ The Mysterious Visit
    12. ⛔ Capture photos, audios and videos
    13. ➡️ Sentiment Analysis
    14. 💥 Referred to
    15. 🤑 How You Pay
    16. 🙂 ¿What is UHRS?

💼 ¿What is Clickworker?

Founded in 2005 as Humangird GmbH the German company in 2009 creates a self-service market where there is a direct business-client deal where the two interact on the platform and both benefit already in 2010 sets the domain name and defines the clickworkermarca logo, as already in 2018 under the name clickworker GmbH the Clickworker app for Android is developed and currently in 2020 it has a template of 2 millions of Clickworkers

In addition to Clickworker's direct work, it agrees with the UHRS platform that also includes the Peanut Labs survey dashboard.

¿How do I register?

Clickworker accepts registration from all countries as long as it has campaigns for the country from which you originate.

Once on the platform you click on registration and you see 2 options you click earn MONEY AS A CLICKWORKER immediately a form will appear which asks you for the country of residence email and a password filled in properly and they will send you an email to your mailbox you are looking for it in inbox or spam confirms and you will be registered.

Note: In case it doesn't accept you registration it's because they don't have a miniwork campaign for your country, but that doesn't mean that in a day or two registration in your home country is already available, it all depends on the workload that Clickworker has for a country.

👇 The Page Registration here in the banner 👇


≫ Properly Fill Out My Profile

profile clickworker
profile clickworker

Once registered on the platform you will have to complete your profile in detail as this depends on the number of jobs that are assigned to you.

It's important to have the full profile.

Languages: You should know what percentage you have of each language you speak.

Skills: Here you have to be honest to know what skills you have and what preferences the platform can give you.

Hobbies & Know-how: here we must put what likes we have as well as that we like to spend our free time.

◁ ¿How to make money with clickworker?

There are two ways to place orders in clickworker.

clickworker available jobs
clickworker available jobs

The self-service market only for text creation, surveys, opinion analysis, and translations.

The areas of standardized text creation (with and without keywords), translations and survey tasks, it is more advantageous and favorable for you to enter the order through the Self-Service Marketplace.

Here are the activities to be done within the platform:

✅ Text

You will be able to demonstrate your talent as a writer as you will have the opportunity to take an evaluation test that cannot be repeated as they determine how many jobs you will have at your disposal so you must complete the evaluation by focusing on finishing it since it has a defined time.

Clickworkers is based on a table of stars from 2 to 5 and thus rate your work based on the quality which contributions the higher the rating the higher the profit you will get.

🔥 Categorize web site data

Categorize photos articles of specific pages, it should be mentioned that this is a very demanded task, If you can not find any work directly in Clickworker Workplace, go to the partner platform, UHRS.

To access UHRS jobs, you must complete two UHRS grades.

✔ Text Editor

Publishers review texts based on content, your job will be to keep an eye out for quality specifications and regulations to be delivered without slope.

To become a text editor, you first need to work as a clickworker author and test checker to gain the necessary experience and work with platform processes.

✌️ Test Corrector

Correctors analyze texts made based on grammar, spelling style and expression should first qualify as author and handle some text creation jobs before you can take the proofing assessment you should be minded that the better you deliver the jobs and on an ongoing basis the better the pay.

⚡ Data Logger

Search for data and addresses of companies, restaurants and other locations on the web.

You don't need a particular grade Once you've passed the assessment, you can work on the project for as long as you want or as long as jobs are available.

🚀 Traduce

Translate small texts into your native language and earn a few dollars.

→ Surveys

you need an active Clickworker account. Log in on a regular basis and keep an eye out for available survey projects.

⇨ The Mysterious Visit

Visit nearby stores, take pictures of the products and add them in clickworker are limited to a specific region or city.. No additional grades are needed. But you have to be vigilant because this kind of task is in high demand.

application tester.

Download apps and try them on your phone to earn rewards.

⛔ Capture photos, audios and videos

Depending on the type of task available prove your cameraman, editor and audio editor skills.

These projects are among the most popular on our platform. Understandable, since they don't take long and are incredibly fun. your contribution, helps train artificial intelligence and further develop image recognition tools.

➡️ Sentiment Analysis

Clickworkers analyze texts, images, videos and files where questions are generated that will be answered by various Clickworkers. This ensures the quality of the responses.

As you can see the number of jobs is immense and the opportunities many should only start working on it, in many cases the availability of the jobs is zero, the recommendation to follow is that you start early session to have more jobs at your disposal, it is worth mentioning that payments are made a month later so you have 30 days to accumulate as much as you can.

💥 Referred to

The clickworker system is simple but beneficial because by inviting your referrals you earn 5 dollars out of the first 10 that they reach and that payment and unique per referral.

🤑 How You Pay

Through PayPal (everyone) or bank transfer (Europe).

The minimum withdrawal is 5 euros, so anyone can reach it easily.

you don't have to request the money, as payments are made automatically every week, all that's essential is that your account is verified in order to receive payments.

🙂 ¿What is UHRS?

clickworker project assessments
clickworker project assessments

UHRS is an independent platform associated with clickworker where most jobs and surveys are hosted and is only available for Mexico, Colombia Chile, Peru, Argentina and. To access the platform you have to take two qualification tests, UHRS I and UHRS II and consist of english tests where you will have to reach above 85% of the accreditation to get better proposals and better payments.

There are times when there are no jobs available for long periods you do not despair you must constantly enter the platform to perform some.

🤓 Clickworker Earn Money From Home With MiniWork - Page Features

Rating: ★★★★★

Language: The website is in English and German, although many of the works available are in Spanish.

Accepted countries: everyone.

Platform type: MINITRABAJOS.

👇 The Page Registration here in the banner 👇


Page year: 2005.

Minimum payment: 5 euros per PayPal.

Requirements: You must be at least 18 years of age to register and work on ClickWorker.

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